The "Making a Difference" Conference was envisioned and organized by the Interfaith Alliance Foundation of Oklahoma. Late in 2014, its Board of Directors became aware that most pastors, clergy, and other key faith leaders have not received adequate education/training to effectively address domestic and sexual violence in their congregations and beyond. Research indicates that a large majority of these faith professionals would welcome education and training. If given the opportunity to become educated/trained, they will be equipped to assist victims more effectively, as well as to provide positive examples of how to address domestic and sexual violence within their congregations and the general community.
In January of 2015 a multi-disciplinary planning committee of professionals was formed which has planned an exceptional one-day education program designed for Oklahoma pastors and key leadership of all faiths. Locally and nationally prominent specialists in various aspects of domestic and sexual violence were identified to conduct education/training sessions, and the "Making a Difference" Conference was planned. In order to assure that the conference would be affordable to all faith leaders, financial sponsorships were obtained from a group of foundations, corporations, and community leaders.
The members of the Conference Planning Committee are listed below. Planning Committee members who also serve on the Board of the Interfaith Alliance Foundation of Oklahoma are indicated by an asterisk after their names.
Mari Fagin, Ph.D., Chair* Carl Rubenstein, M.D.*
Noel Jacobs, Ph.D.* Deb Stanaland, B.A., CDSVRP
Rev. Janie Kirt Morris* Sheryl S. Sullivan, J.D.*
Advisory assistance during the planning process was sought from a broad spectrum of the leadership of many Oklahoma faith communities, as well as local organizations which provide domestic violence and sexual assault services.
For nationally and locally prominent domestic violence and sexual assault professionals to provide Oklahoma faith leadership with essential information about local resources and critical knowledge about the psychological, cultural, legal, safety, and faith issues which must be understood to effectively address domestic and sexual violence.
Oklahoma pastors, clergy, and faith leadership coming together to create a climate in which:
Domestic and sexual violence is never tolerated.
Faith leaders are empowered to provide both spiritual support and essential practical guidelines to survivors of domestic and sexual violence
All will experience justice and healing in our communities
This conference was envisioned, organized, and facilitated by the Interfaith Alliance Foundation of Oklahoma