An Evening of Listening
“An Evening of Listening”
TIA members: please consider attending this informative panel discussion.
Panel discussion: “An Evening of Listening” presented at St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, partnered with OK Conf. of Churches.
Date, Time and Place: January 8, 6:30 PM, at St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, 127 NW 7th St, OKC
Subject: Focus on religious persecution, racial divisions, economic disparity, and educational struggles of many in the community.
David Castillo: President and (correction) CEO of Hispanic Chamber
Imad Enchassi: Imam of Islamic Society of Greater OKC & Prof. of Islamic Studies at OCU
Rabbi Vered Hassis: spiritual leader of Temple B’nai Israel
Rev George Young: newly-elected to OK House of Representatives.
Carla Hinton: Religion Editor for The Oklahoman - Moderator.