Little Gandhi Film Screening
Understanding and dialogue are crucial in helping us move forward together, with compassion, in a hurting world. Please join the Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma Conference of Churches, the Respect Diversity Foundation, United Nations Association of Oklahoma City, CAIR OK, World House Institute, and Oklahoma City University, as we screen Little Gandhi, a documentary on a protest movement in Syria that began in 2011 under the movie's namesake, Ghiyath Matar. This event is brought to us by Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries and the Islamic Society of Tulsa.

So thankful to all of our partners: the Oklahoma Conference of Churches, The Respect Diversity Foundation, Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries, The Syrian American Council, and Rahma Relief Foundation. Thanks to Sam Kadi, amazing Director and visionary for this film, that makes the experience of the Syrian uprising so personal and so compelling. To Sinead Maguina, from UN Association of OKC, a panelist, and Suzan Meriden from SAC, for moderating. Most especially, thanks go to Aliye Shimi, who worked tirelessly to help successfully bring it to both Tulsa and Oklahoma City, because she cares about humanity. Lastly, to all of you came, thank you for giving up an evening to learn a story none of us have been told. Get the word out! #LittleGandhi